The Survival Guide for
empowering empaths with practical tool to take care of their mental, emotional and energetic well-being
I'm going to keep this brief because I know you're busy.
Here is what Unf*ck Yourself: Taming the Inner Saboteur is NOT:
🚫Another programme filled with toxic positivity “Good Vibes Only” style
🚫Yet another course banging on about Mindset issues (snore)
🚫A programme with 300 videos and 50 hours of watch time which overwhelms you before you’ve even started
Now that we are clear on what Unf*ck Yourself is not …
Here is what Unf*ck Yourself is:
💥A programme that shows you how to turn the niggly nagging inner voice (you know what voice I'm talking about) from saboteur to ally
💥A programme that leverages POWERHOUSE somatic (body-based) tools so you can create states of being that will set you up for success
💥A programme that allows you to take authorship of your stories so you can step fully into your potential and start 2023 on the right foot
And here's an outline of what we'll be covering:
Week 1 (5th Dec 8.30pm): Fear and safety: The Saboteur as the Guardian of Change
Week 2 (12th Dec 8.30pm): Mining for Treasure: Your Pain is your Power in Another Reflection
Week 3 (19th Dec 8.30pm): Re-storying Your Life: Upgrading your Beliefs
Week 4 (29th Dec 8.30pm): The Hero’s Journey: Resourcing the Hero in Preparation for 2023
plus BONUS SURPRISES + suggested soul work after each session
Start 2023 on the right foot.
Starting on 5th December at 8.30pm Gibraltar time sessions will run for approx 75mins.​
Anne Marie Morello